
Reliable language services provider in the ever-changing global market

We provide you the right services with our team of experts who are experienced in their respective fields. With the new language pairs added to our portfolio and the expanding professional translator network, we support you with our services for various industries from healthcare to automotive, from information technologies to academics. We offer worldwide localized services through our extensive network of business partners. As Entegre Translation Services, we are not only transferring words from one language to another. We adapt your contents to the target culture and ensure that you effectively address the target audiences.


Translation, Localization, Editing, Proofreading


Transcription, Subtitling

Desktop Publishing

and Other Language Services You may Need


We know how important it is to have a translated text that is fluent and sounds natural just like the original text. So, before finalizing our projects, we run an editing-proofreading process. We are also providing editing-proofreading services independent from the translation or localization processes and check your previously translated texts. We may conduct these checks against the original text or only on the translated text.

Additionally, we provide transcription services upon request for all your audio and video recordings. We deliver decoded texts as they are without making any corrections or after editing and correcting the incoherencies, false uses, spelling/grammatical errors. We can also prepare subtitles for the decoded texts and provide subtitle translation and localization services.


When you decide to transfer your influencing content and message you prepared after long hours to foreign local markets, how can you ensure that your messages accurately reach the target audience and have the same impact on the new market?

This is where you need to find the right solution partner which you can trust to facilitate and support your globalization process.

As Entegre Translation Services, we are not only transferring words from one language to another. We adapt your contents to the target culture and ensure that you effectively address the target audiences. While doing this, we benefit from all kinds of technological solutions to expedite this process with our language experts and technical experts.


Desktop publishing is the process of preparing documents for publishing or printing. A complete DTP process consists of selection of the font and text layout, graphical design, page layout and printing. So why would you need it for a translated document?


  • Every language has a specific structure and thus, the alignment of the text in the document may vary depending on the language.
  • Some fonts may not support all characters in different languages.
  • In translation, the length of text may change up to 25%. The change in the length of the sentences or words may require going over the entire page layout in the original text.